Sandy and I live near Holly Springs, NC so we decided to ride the 2006 CNC day 4 century extension. WOW, That was the longest, steepest, hillyest 35 mile bike ride I have ever done. Add that to the 65 miles from Burlington and coming up Mabry Ridge from the Haw River and I understand perfectly well why I heard some grumbling from a couple of riders the next day. I didn't even know we had hills like that around here. We now have a greater respect for you guys that did the century ride on day 4 of the 2006 CNC Mts to Coast tour. Congratulations.
Cycle Dawg; It weren't no flat route, Brother, that is for sure!!!
It was my first Century ever and I remember well, riding with The Pain Train, Lt. Bob as Conductor and Jack Attack as wing-man support dude...hammering up and down the hills...we got into the park at the end with only like 98 miles so we rode around the little community there til we got all 100 miles in...what an AWESOME ride!!!