thanks to all of you, this year's ride was successful!
i was wondering how many of you out there are vegetarians, and would a vegetarian meal plan be helpful? i for one am a vegetarian, and found that some of the meals this year did not accomodate for us vegies, especially if you don't eat fish, which i don't. i spoke with amanda and mike about the possibility of introducing such a meal plan and they both were open to ideas and suggestions. i offered to help out with menu ideas, etc., but also having rider input would be great. most other rides offer this type of plan, so we should be able to as well. perhaps on the april spring ride would be a good time to introduce this and have all the bugs worked out by october. feedback to this messsage board would be helpful, or contact mike or amanda directly.
you would be better off not to be on the meal plan and just eat out down town each nite and this way you can get exactly what you want...this works great..........
As a vegie, I certainly agree with you that a vegie option should be available. However, speaking from experience, I can tell you that on most days of a bike tour, most of the people who didn't order the veggie lunch will hit the lunch stop and decide that they don't want anything too heavy and grab a vegie meal. The carnivores eat up the vegetarian meals before most of us get to eat. On the Tour de Virginias, they even gave us wrist bands by color to denote a vegetarian meal option but it did little to solve the problem. Most of the people who didn't order the vegie meal wanted one when they got to the lunch stop on a hot day and had the choice between a greasey ham sandwich/fish plate or the vegie option of a veggie pita wrap, chips and a cookie. Unfortunately, people are often too self-centered to care or to realize that someone didn't get the lunch they paid for because someone else ate it!
thanks so much for working on this important issue. i vote have a vegetarian option on the meal plan. i think you would need to use wristbands or seperate foodlines for the different meals, at least for the main dish.
if it makes any difference, i only ever order the dinners from the meal plan
thank you for the recent feedback regarding vegetarian meals on cnc.
i'll be doing some research in the near future and will post as soon as i learn anything. i'll contact other ride venues to see how they present their vegie meal plan as well as talk with mike and amanda at cnc. hopefully we can come up with a plan that is beneficial to all who choose to sign up for it.
any and all feedback is appreciated and any menu suggestions would be greatly appreciated.