If interested, mainly for the new folks, a day by day account of the CNC 2005 ride from Asheville to Wilmington. Didn't make it in 2006, but planning "right now" for the CNC2007 Ride.
Thanks for posting this. This is the first longest back to back ride I will be doing and it gave me an insight of the weather change. I am also very competitive and will have to reminder myself to keep my own pace and not try to keep up with people that will pass me. Regarding tent neighbors, I love being around people and the people you meet camping, the farther away from the porta potties, the more people you meet. But when I camp, I have also experienced couples arguing, people laughing and making noises late at night and some even passing gas. So I will have my ear plugs handy if I need them and will try to find someone to wake me up in the morning
As a 6 tour veteran, saddle sores are a real concern, especially on a 7 day ride with no rest days. Pre-ride seat time is important. Saddle cream is also important, start using it before the sadde sores develop ! ! ! As me about my tours, Vic... vbrunamonti@gmail.com
I purchased the N C Jersey about three years ago. At the time the seller had about every state in the union available. In there later catalogs the N C Jersey was not available.