It looks as if my brother is going to bail on the ride - work commitments that don't allow for about 10 or 11 days away when you include driving time. Is there anyone out there in the Toronto area (I am located in Newcastle on the 401 - just east of the 115 turnoff to Peterborough) looking for a ride to North Carolina or can offer up some space for ride to North Carolina? If we take my car I can pick you up along the way, if we take your car I can drive to meet you anywhere in the southern Ontario area.
The company would be nice for the drive down and back as well as the ability to save a little on expenses.
I could be interested in going with you to CNC. I live in Pickering and have done CNC twice. It is an excellent ride that you would enjoy for sure. It takes about a day plus to drive to the start.
A lot of details have to be worked out but you can contact me at