Is it useful (or safe) to carry cash or do most people just bring credit cards to buy things along the way? I imagine some cash is probably needed, but how much?
I've done cycle nc several times now, and am a native of NC (almost 400 years for my family), which is to say that my family tree is pretty straight and I am credible. So, here is my take on money in NC - - cash is good, its accepted everywhere, and merchants will love you when you use it (they don't have to eat 1-3% for the credit card.)
Eastern NC merchants, especially, are very wary of out-of-state checks ("the bank of Yonkers, are you kidding me boy!"), and the really small country stores will look at you funny if you try to use a traveler's check to buy lance crackers and an R.C. (Find me at the Dots campsite and I will tell you about a pool hall we had "brunch" at last year at "Ward's X-Roads.") If you run out of cash, there are ATMs everywhere in NC (being the banking capitol of the US).
I plan to spend around $50 a day for food, fun, and adult beverages. Okay, most of that is for adult beverages. Comes out to $300-$400 for the week. While the Cycle NC meal ticket is a good, frugal option, I like to eat out in the various towns and meet the peeps. You can get by for a lot less if you like Mickey D's.
As far as what to carry on the bike, I believe in "not leaving home" without some cash, an I.D. (like an old driver's license), Blue Cross card, and either a credit or ATM card. I always keep some extra cash and a credit card squirelled away in my luggage just to "get me home." (Okay, bADdOG, I know you're reading this - - don't go through my luggage, go through tHELMAdOG's, it's more exciting).
Use an old wallet and put it in you Saddle Bag, but don't put more than you need for the day. On Cycle NC, I have bought artwork, wine, and other paraphrenalia on the ride, and the credit card came in handy (along with UPS).
The best things I bring are my business cards. You will meet a lot of new folks on the ride and in the towns, and its always great to have something to hand out. I know some people who have had cards printed just for their cycling activities as well as temporary tatoos. Cheap, lots of fun. Another great idea is to bring a small, cheap digital camera to record your journey (see to see what a difference it makes).
In general, I guess your question is about "security." I've never heard of anyone on cycle nc being "ripped off" either at camp or on the road. Then again, cyclists don't usually O.G. (over gold), except of course tHELMAdOG
So, have fun, and spend lots of cash. My 700 cousins "down east" can use the influx of capital (only one of these is my wife).
Finally, get a road name. If you don't have one by Cycle NC, come by the Dots campsite and for $5 we will give you one (along with a Dot's membership). If you stick around long enough, you may help us blow our adult beverage budget (if you are over 21).
Gator Dog hit it on the head. I have been doing tours like this for 15 years and his advice is how I have been doing it with success.
Gator Dog. You are also correct in that Thelma Dog has much more interesting things in her luggage . Yours probably still contains that left over double cheeseburger from Susies Bar in Dale, Indiana (TRIRI).
Jim, look for the 'obviously Pok-A-Dot' flags and come over for a visit.
The pre-paid meal option certainly isn't frugal THIS year. $8.95 for breakfast is outrageous unless they are serving steak--which they aren't (The first morning.)--and over $10 bucks for dinners is one to two dollars more than last year. Breakfasts are hard to come by elsewhere but it has been easy to do better than $10 for dinner at almost every stop location.
As you can see from the above, I am frugal and don't drink, so I get by on less than Gatordog. I normally buy breakfast on the meal plan and carry $150 in traveler's checks to cover incidentals and fast food places. Every place else takes credit cards. (Definiitely don't plan on cashing personal checks but I suspect you would know that.) My total bill for CNC is usually about $500 but I guess I am the exception since I know some that stayed in motels, lived high, and spent nearly $1400. It depends on you. Whatever you carry, put it in a zip-lock bag for water proofing. (-:
There are Pok-A-Dots that do not drink at all. No problem with that. It is just that when people see those shorts we wear, they automatically think that alcohol had something to do with it. O well, may as well live down to their expectations.
Wow. Thanks for that very helpful response GatorDog! Although not a native of NC, I'm a UNC grad (1993) and have lived in Durham ever since. I consider myself adopted as my wife is a born & bred North Carolinian (Waynesville).
I'm glad to hear that adult beverage consumption is not only tolerated, but encouraged. I've been known to throw back a few.
I want to do the ride this year, but unfortunately, I'm probably going to have to wait until next year. I'll be better able to swing it financially and get time off of work, etc. If I win the lottery (oh wait, we don't have one yet) or something great happens, I'll definitely stop by to see the Dots.
Sorry to hear you can't do CNC this year. Remember, Cycle NC has some day options too, which are really nice and affordable. Besides the day rider fee, there is little expense since the rest stops are stocked with PB&J sandwiches.
A Tar Heel and married to a gal from Waynesville!! That's good enough for me, and makes you a native! I will, on behalf of "those who were here first" (if you exclude the Croatan, Lumbee, etc.), buy you a Cheerwine and a Moon Pie at Parker's, which seals the deal and makes it official.
In my part of North Carolina we drink RCs with our Moon pies. Cheerwines and Sundrops are optional. Never really got into putting salted peanuts in my Coke.
Nothing really to add to the "cash check or charge" I think the "dog patch" sumed it up pretty well .....Should we be called the "Dot Patch" At any rate I will only be doing the first two and a half days this year. But in the past I normally spend around $400.00 for a full week. That includes everything even a six pack or two of New castles. Hope you can make it for a day or so. if not see you next year. Hey! Don't forget the "Spring Retreat"
You forgot to add in the B&J's Cherry Garcia! And what's this with just two and a half days?...After the two years I've missed you do this to me? Guess my luggage will be lighter without all the "toys"...and speaking of my luggage, there is always good stuff in there!
Yes, Thelma Dog does have good things in her luggage. The rubber snake Whistle Dog found in his bag had to slither in from somewhere. The plastic spiders others have found in their tents. All the little trinkets that she hands out to addoring subjects along the way. After all, they can't all be eating cake. And where else do you carry "Camp Nancy". But I know well that the are things in red and purple and green, as I get to choose.
Stay tuned for the continued saga of "As the Pok-A-Dot Turns". See everybody in October.