Our nephew who is new to cycling will be moving to Raleigh to go to grad school at NCSU. Any one have info on cycling clubs in Raleigh that would be good for novice riders?
That last post should have said MS150, not MS-15. It's a 2-day cycling tour based in quaint New Bern in eastern NC. The roads are flat and the ride is VERY WELL supported with rest stops every 12-14 miles, lunch at the mid-point, dinner Saturday, massage therapists (extra cost), entertainment, etc. It's a fundraiser for the National MS Society. Probably the best organized and supported multi-day ride you'll find. www.msbike.org
Cup 'n Cone Tour: 60 miles with some hills from Cary NC out to Orange County. Fresh dairy-made ice cream at the mid point and frozen custard at the end. Fundraiser for the National MS Society. http://www.activezach.com/events/eventDetails.cfm?pEventId=1946