I am a photojournalist at the Star News in Wilmington and I am looking for local riders. I am working with editors to cover the ride from the field each day riding the 60+ miles each day and doing stories and photos for the next days paper.
First, I would like any interested riders from our circulation area to contact me via e-mail at Jeffrey.s.otto@starnewsonline.com and please put in subject line "LOCAL RIDER" so it won't get killed with the spam.
Second, I would like riders from outside the area, who have an intersting story to tell to contact me with the subject line "INTERESTING STORY." If you are doing the ride for the sixth time or have ridden across every state but NC already you qualify. As do any families, people from far away lands ( I saw a few riders from AK on the sign up list) physically challenged riders or bikers doing the ride for someone who can't. Please don't let these suggestions limit you. If you are just an interesting person with a story to tell by all means drop me a line
Lastly, I am trying to figure out the logistics of getting from Wilmington to Sparta without leaving a car 6 hours from home for a week. Back to Wilmington from the coast is not a problem since I have arranged for a ride back.
Thanks, and hope to hear from all you Cape Fear area riders.