This was my second CNC ride and both were exceptional experiences. Thanks to all who made it possible. I would like to pose the following suggestion for next year's ride and request comments from all. How about having the middle day of the ride stay put. For example, we could have spent two nights at Henderson with the option for a centuy by the diehards and a day of resting for others. I could have used a day off to allow my legs and rear end to recover. Also, by choosing a city with attractions, we could always find something to do or places to see that are not easily accomplished now. Another possible feature of a day off in the middle would be to split the ride into a hilly four days and a flat 3 days with a day off between them. This might attract more riders for one part with an easier transition for both the staff and the riders.
What you suggest was done in 2002 when we started in Statesville and ended in New Bern. That year we did not start in the mountains , but a little East of them. If the ride was from the mountains to the coast as is advertised, the days would be 75 to 80 miles each. To keep the routes under 80 miles, you would have to take the most direct route between towns, and bypass many of the attractions. As much as I would prefer the layover day, myself, I do not see that as very practical. The only other way would be to start somewhere East of I-77 insted of in the mountains.
Since comments were requested...I think that North Carolina is about an ideal state for an "across the state" ride. The change in terrain and scenery as one rides from the mountains to the coast is greatly interesting, and fun! I was on the ride the year we layed over in Asheboro, and I think that I have preferred the years when the ride moved East each day. I hope that it remains a mountains to the coast ride, but I will continue to ride CNC in whatever way the very capable staff at NC Amateur Sports decides to schedule the route.
I think your idea is pretty good. I've done all 6 CNCs, & loved every one.
But I did BRAG in 02, and we stayed two nights in one town, with an optional 20/62/100 mi ride, or of course, ride none. Bike Va this year spent 3 days in one town, and it was nice to not have to break camp every day, I mean it was a real luxury.
So, I've enjoyed each and every one of the CNC rides and have nothing but praise for the rides and routes. But, for a change of pace, it'd be OK to have a day 4 layover and optional loop ride. That might be a good thing to do if CNC started deep in the mountains (like Murphy) and rode east for 3 days thru the mountains. 3 days in the mountains will tucker out most folks. Believe it or not, we've not really spent much time in the mountains, so we've missed much of western NC since '99.
It might be cool to start in western NC, ride for 3 days to say Boone, and then have an optional loop ride along a significant chunk of the BRP, like Linville Viaduct. Then just head east until we finished in the Piedmont somewhere.
Or, we could have just 2 host cities, with 3 days of cloverleaf loops from each city plus one day of travel between the 2 cities. Son, not breaking camp every day will spoil ya, you will like that a whole bunch. It's also easier in ways on Mike and Amanda and the staff.
Hey, whatever the route will be, count me in. If not next year, then soon we will have started in most of the feasible cities, and ended in most of the feasible cities. So, then the staff will find it easier to consider loop rides w 2 or more days in one town.
This question comes up yearly on the CNC "post ride" questionaire....what it really is is do you want a "true" cross state ride (ie mts to the coast) or do you want a series of "loop" rides or a big "loop" ride with camp moving every day and ending at the point where the ride started out 7 days earlier.....obviously there are pro's/con's each way...
The only "real" cross state ride was 1999...2 wks...850 miles....Murphy (deep SW corner of state) to Manteo (NE corner)....this ride was a challange and for me really the most memorable of all the rides....
It seems that the consensus of the questionaire always results in preference for the "cross state" version....CNC prefers the one week foremat.....therefore there really isn't much that can be changed and still get across the state in the time allowed....
It does seem like the cross state routes are beginning to overlap with previous rides...maybe this will become a factor in the future in directing the planners at least to get away from the Mts to The Coast idea and at least consider "loops" that would maybe concentrate on the state in quadrants or some other fashion....
That's just my 2 cents worth...really the only thing I don't like is the need for the bus option one way or the other....this could easily be eliminated by ending the ride at the starting point...this is what many state rides do.....take care and keep riding...EP
Hey i like the ride the way it is.....i have done 3 cycle of north carolina rides....the layover will only make things worse.....we should kept going everyday.....good for your muscles...a day off will only hurt you.....i have talk to some of the ones that does it from my city... and they feel the same way i do....if they give a day of rest next year then i guess they will loose alot of riders because i know those from my city and around will not go next would make more sense to train for the ride so one doesn't need a day off in the middle of a challenge such as this one. We are only talking about 7 days of riding. You get a big break everyday after the ride until the next morning......I think the purpose of the ride is to see North Carolina and to test your endurance.....from the USPS TEAM......GO LANCE............
Let keep it Mountains to the Coast, Asheville to Topsail Beach would be a good one. CNC should not do loops again. In 02 the loops were no all that much fun anyway. If necessary we could do 8 or 9 days of riding in the same basic time frame, Saturday thru Sunday of the following weekend with check-in Friday Night.
B.S. is a genius! That is a great start and end!!! Asheville is incredibly bike friendly and Topsail is a charming small but funky beach town. (Wasn't Oriental great!) The route could be Asheville, Forest City, Lincolnton, Albemarle (that town rocked in 2000), Laurinburg, White Lake (one of the prettiest places in NC), Wilmington (not just the Battleship this time), and Topsail! That would take us through some beautiful country. Just as most of you, I'll go regardless of the route. It's a recreational thing . . . Slow Down, Go Dots.
I like rides that move from place to place each day. I wouldn't object to a loop route to simplify logistics, but striking camp, riding, and then setting up camp again is part of the challenge. Still, I'll ride CNC regardless of the route and regardless of the number of times we move or don't move, provided those nice and capable folks at NC Amateur Sports keep running it.