Hello all. I am going to be a first timer this year and would like to know how to go about buying the "food plan" as I do not see it on the web page. I will be driving alone from Long Island New York to Willmington and taking the bus option. Does anyone know about parking in Willmington?
Frank, A menu, broken down by individual meals, will be sent out 6-8(?) weeks before the ride. At this time, you can pick individual meals that you would like, or the entire meal package. If I remember correnctly, dinners range between 5 and 8 dollars depending on what is offered. In the past, I have purchased meals from the list when I knew it would be the most convinient. Our group likes to try local restaurants also.
I have not seen anything about parking in Wilmington yet. In 2000, we ended at the battleship memorial. They had parking south of town for the week. There was a shuttle bus running at the end so you could pick up you car and bring it to the battleship.
Thanks, I guess it is kinda early to think about such details (I know that vendor details must be worked out, ect.)but being a lone rider has it's worries. People like yourself make it that much easier.
CNC is soooo well organized and supported, and folks are so friendly and helpful, you have no need to worry about being a lone rider!
Like Bad Dog said, once you register and a little closer to the ride date, the CNC crew will send you all sorts of details in the regstration packet, like where to park in Wilmington and like the meal plan sign up.
Sara, Thanks I will register in a day or so. As soon as I finalize my work shcedule. There are some people in my bike club that rode last year that I need to hook up with. In fact they wrote a great description of the ride in one of our monthly newsletters that inspired me to do this thing this year. I am really looking foward to riding with you guys.... Best Regards Frank
This will be the first organized ride I've taken. I'll be driving up from central Florida to Wilmington and take the bus. How will my trike be transported to Asheville? Thanks in advance.
Bikes are transported on CNC on large rental trucks. You will need to remove pedals and turn handlebars. I also HIGHLY recomend that you remove the rear derailleur from the frame. Do not remove the cabel, just turn the hanger bolt out. With it on, something can hit the side of the bike and possible bend that hanger tab. Even bent a small amount, a bent (or worse, broken) tab can affect you index shifting.
They place cardboard between the bikes when then are packed on the truck. If you have an old blanket or something that you do not mind throwing away when you get to ashville, bring that to wrap your bike.
The ultimate answer is to get a old box from a bike shop and package using that before you leave home. There should be mechanics when your bike is unloaded if you need some help.
I've done all six CNC rides. The one mistake I made on food, at least for me, was not ordering breakfasts the first year. I want a big breakfast to start the day and finding one was nearly impossible. (We didn't pass one Mac's in 800 miles that first two-week year.) Since then I order all breakfasts. For dinners, there are always shuttle options to town and, usually, with a number of food location choices. I order dinner in camp if it looks particularly good on the menu, is sponsored by some good organization as a fund raiser, or otherwise attracts me but dinners are not a concern. (If you don't need/want a big breakfast, the "muffin and coffee detail" option can be a good one.) I definitely skip the lunch order. Waiting in line for lunch in mid-day is a trerrible downer not to mention that there are enough snacks at rest stops to get you to camp after a good breakfast. (There is even free PB&J at the lunch rest stop if you get there before the day's supply runs out.)
Regarding parking, I don't yet know for this year but in past years there has been arranged parking at both ends of the route--sometimes in the back of a shopping center, or at other times on a grassy field. There is no particular protection--like a fenced area--but police usually promise extra patrols in an effort to avoid problems and I'm not aware of anyone having any.
I can now confirm that there will be an established parking area for riders who wish to leave their cars in Wilmington and take a bus to the start in Asheville rather than working the other way. (Amanda, director and coordinator of CNC, gave a presentation to our bike club this last Wednesday night.) Riders can also camp at the battleship park on the night following the last day of the ride since the bus back to Asheville will leave on Sunday morning. When we were able to camp at this location a couple years ago, the grass was thick, the breeze balmy, and the city lights reflecting on the water, absolutely beautiful. A wonderful memory.!!