to state fan the way i will be riding a 2005 trek 5.9..........discovery and hop on my back wheel and see just how good your are..............see you....................
Where did you catch the name? No problem that TV is not a must, it is such a lazy pastime anyway. It is background noise for doing other things! I hope you love your work and you have some good people to ride with because otherwise at CNC we will all have to hold you down and submit a fun injection! Bikes are definily fun though!
It's just a silly nickname, I'm definitely not a Romeo, Spanish heritage. Passion in life is the key to happiness. Do your best at everything you do. Maybe our paths will cross on the ride, if not, may the sun always shine in your face and the wind always be at your back.
You seemed so wild in your first note but you've mellowed in your last note. I definitely like the mellow Jazzy better. I can have fun, I enjoy working out. Is that not enough? I like to read. I like dogs (not especially fond of cats).
How to find Pok-A-Dots (for Jazzy, Hollywood and other fun people) Look for the pirate flag with circles of different Pok-A-Dot fabric sewn on. Look for Dotted cycling shorts on the road (except Wednesday, which is 'wild Wednesday' and is the day for tiger stripes). The fun will be had in our general direction.
To continue with the theme of this ramble... I am 40. Picture Al Bundy from 'Married with Children' but with out the children and never been married (just shoot me). I build custom bikes, so I can do a chain. I float, not swim. I own my own house, but no '72 Duster in the garage.
Please stop by for a beverage. Meet people like Thelma & Louise, Whistle Dog, Gator Dog, & the boys from Team Canad-Eh! among others. We will be in Ashevill around 7pm on Friday.