I stuck with the entire route, largely because my biking pals wanted to ride. We defied common sense, thank goodness the last day was better than predicted.
Wouldn't you know it, it didn't rain hardly at all in Sept, and the only days it rained in Oct were those we rode. I mean it's rained only like 3 days in the last 60- the 3 days we rode into 14" of Tropical Storm Tammy's rains into Wilmington. Geeze, sometimes I guess you get lucky...
I don't mind hills, but I despise starting out riding into the rain when I am perfectly dry. There's jsut something wrong about that. I don't mind as much getting rained on while I 'm riding, I mean you gotta expect to get wet if you play outdoors. But starting in the rain by choice is truly a crime against nature IMO.
I also finished the entire route. I generally don't ride in the rain,but for some reason I didn't mind it too bad on CNC 2005. Maybe it was because it was my first week-long tour and I was determined to finish it no matter what. I hadn't planned on riding the century option,but I actually ended up doing it because it was rainy. I figured the temperature was perfect. And I knew there would be very little going on in the campsite that afternoon. Besides, it was only an extra 20 miles. As to how may riders abandoned due to the rain, I'd guess it was greater than a third. There was definetely less crowding, and shorter lines for the free beer at the after-party.
What Rain?? I sweat so bad I am wet either way. 80^f and rain no problem. I got home and have been freezing almost ever since it is currentle 36 to 40 and raining here AARRRRGGGGGHHH!
the rain was no problem.........the temp was hot so the rain was really nice............think about it would Lance had bailed out? NO.........A true bike rider can ride in about any kind of weather..........LIke always looking forward to next year....................
It's a bit late to answer now, but I rode the entire wet mess too. Of course my bike is carbon, so what could it hurt? Right? It did seem that there were fewer, and fewer riders as the rain 'wore' on. Mabye this year - it will be all dry. (Weatherwise)