Allen is exactly right. CNC normally keeps the routes classified untill registration to keep the ghost riders down (people who ride without paying). I found this out while volunteening during the a CNC ride thur Statesville, NC.
According to the website we will have detailed route information in February..... one day to go, I guess.
Route Lengths
Over the course of the weekend, there will be loop rides of variable length, with mileage ranging from 5 miles up to century rides. We will be offering more of the shorter length rides this year to give variety to some of our beginner/intermediate riders. Detailed route information to come in February.
Yeah, I saw that...but it doesn't tell me what I want to know regarding route lengths. I wouldn't want to preregister for all three days, and then find out that on two of the days, the longest ride option is a 50k. I hope they do give out more details by the end of February, but I can certainly understand why they wouldn't want to post maps and cuesheets.