this will be my first time doing such a ride. exactly how good of equipment do i need to make this an enjoyable ride? i have a respectable bike, (giant ocr) but need pedals, socks and shoes, any suggestions? what is the pace of such a ride ? im in the concord area and would like to train with someone experienced with the format of the event. im on a rotating work schedule so i have only half of the weekends off. smile: they'll wonder what you're up to thanks,
There should be lots of folks who have done this ride before at the Murray's Mill ride on Saturday. If you get there a group of us will be in Ski Patrol Jerseys from the NC Mts. We will be happy to tell you what we know. (Should not take more than a couple minutes). Also for whats it is worth we will have several good looking ladys with us, so we are easy to spot.
I wouldn't worry a whole lot about it. If you can get to the point where you can do 50 or 60 miles two days in a row while training, you're probably ready. The pace is much varied. You'll have people who bypass most of the rest stops and make it to the next spot in a few hours. Others will arrive well into the afternoon and make a leisurely journey out of it. It's not a race. Socks, shoes and pedals -- get stuff you'll be comfortable in. You'll see all manner of bikes and attire on the trip. It's all about fun.
My two cents...put your clothes in sealable plastic bags. It will keep them dry, then you can use them to put the dirty ones in until you find a laundry mat, unless you are with Bubba, like me!