I recorded the entire route with my GPS and converted it to GOOGLE-MAPS... I will add more details (rest stops and such) after I get over being sick (got sick when I was driving back on Sunday and not sure how execept I started feeling bad after eatin at Subway (on the road)
I'm not very wise on all of the technology that is available ... but when I see something like this I get real jealous ... What did you use to do this and where can I get one?
The poly-point example is where I got the way to draw lines connecting each point together from one day's ride to form the track.
So all you need are: 1) A GPS to record the data 2) The ability to get the data out of the GPS and into a text file that you can put in the form of "points" 3) A web site that you register with google-maps-api 4) a bit of programming knowledge (java script esp).
Oh and unlike several of the other google map hacks out there if you do a VIEW-SOURCE on your browser you can see the java script including the 500 points (that is what I limit each route to) of data that is used to draw the route...
If you were to save that page and replace the key with the one you register and then upload the changed page to the site where you registered the key then the page will work on your site... Then all you got to do is edit the values or number of points.push() to draw your own lines... The fun starts there!!!
Well it took me a while but what I did was write my own GOOGLE MAPS program to parse my GPS files. So as time goes by these maps will get better and better :)
This version has a legend on the right side indicating routes (my original guess for auto routging) tracks (the actual GPS course) and waypoints (the ones I entered while we were riding (so not all of the rest stops are there)...
BTW the URL is LOOOOONNNG because it contains a cgi with a PATH to another link where the raw- gps (gpx) file is....