I, as many of you, read and at time post this message board. Actually with the exception of BRAG, it is the most active ride message board I know of. Ususally some interesting topics and at times, some darn funny postings.
It does concern me however when a topic turns into name calling and accusations.
I have no first hand knowledge why the coffee ssrvice was bad. Being a non-coffee drinker that service never interested me. I can of course understand why a person would be upset if the coffee was gone when they arrived or if the coffee was less the advertised. Both those issues deal with what was advertised vs what was offered. Both very valid issues I believe the staff of CNC will address.
Taking these postings to a person attack is certainly something which should be avoided. As a vendor myself, I am sure there have been times inwhich I might have crossed someone along the way. Mistakes happen and we should learn from them. I sure would not enjoy being bashed on a message board, that is for sure.
I am in no way deffending Harold nor covering for him as a fellow vendor. Those of you who know us both well understand Harold has "distanced" himself from me for several years for reasons only he understands. My only point is I believe everyone has the right to voice their opion about the coffee and other of his services Harold offers but with out attacking him personally.
For those of you who were PAMPERED on CNC, thank you once again.
If anyone wishes more biking this season, check out BubbaFest--Florida Keys. November 12-18. There are a few spaces still available. www.BubbasPamperedPedalers.com for details or email me @ BikerBubba@aol.com
Right on Bubba! Or should I say "Ride On." First, let me say I'm not attacking or judging anyone here, but I feel, predominately the comments on this blog should be informative or at least positive accolades. State a problem to be addressed and try to leave emotion and personal attacks out, if possible. This is an important blog to me. Being a newbie to CNC, I had read all 1,800 posts before the ride and I can't tell you how much great advice I gleamed from these pages. They were a tremendous help. So lets be adult and like Bubba says "Take the High Road" and not sink to personal attacks, rumor, or innuendo. Again thanks for all of you who took the time to post and help us neophytes with our concerns.
I just skimmed through the coffee postings and some were pretty low down. I have also used the coffee service once. After that first year I realized I personly didn't drink that much coffee to make worth doing it again. But I have used his towel service many times. One year I remember we got clobbered with rain and my tent was taking in water. Harold gave me a bunch of towels so I would have a dry place to sleep that night. I was not even signed up for his service at that time. I have been ever since.
Thank you so much ... I was sadden when I read those post earlier as well as some reply's to some concerns that some ridders had about the weather.
It is my belief that everyone in business tries their very best. That best may, or may not, met the standard of someone else ... But at the end of the day ... everybody who puts their pants on one leg at the time also "poops" .... therefore we should all remember ... that on the most basic level ... our needs are the same ... so let's play nice.
Great post and thank you. The point you failed to mention was if all vendors treated their paying customers like you treat yours, there would never be a problem.
apparently if you make negative comments about a vendor they remove the blog from the message board, because I don't know what you're talking about regarding the personal attacks on Harold.
I do think that criticism, positive or negative, is a good thing that future riders and current vendors and CNC can use to make each year an improvement on the next. If we are prohibited from voicing negative criticism on the message board (by removal) then we are depriving future riders from making informed decisions and depriving current riders from being able to make an impact on future experiences.
When are you going to really treat yourself and be PAMPERED?
It's ALL Good.
You've already got the majority of the the Dots (aka "the Dogs") this year with Queen Thelma Dog (Tracy) and her court. Let Whistle Dog roam free! (I, on the other hand, can be bought for 2007!)
somehow I don't see how the survey helps future riders decide what services are good and bad...I personally looked at the message board before my first ride to determine what I wanted to do, paying particular attention to what prior riders had to say about the vendors/services
i think that Bubba should mind his own business about what people write in about the concerns.I use Bubba service last year for the first time and i was not happy with it at all. Also Harold did a terrible job on detailing my bike last year.But as for as the CNC guys , i can say a job well done.
Why did you now sign your real name or express your feeling directly with me about your being PAMPERED last year?
Please contact me direclty any time you wish to express your feelings. As mentioned several times each PAMPERING event, if something was wrong all you had to do was tell me so it could be corrected.
Funny thing, with all the challenges of CNC 2005, you are the only person saying it was not All Good.
Hey Bubba, While true that some of our members have strayed to the Bubba Side of the Force, and Gator Dog could be bought, Whistle and I shall stay true to the Loyal Order of Bag Shluppers. We even tour on our own and carry all our gear on the bike! Truth be told, Gator and I spent CNC week riding across New York state, self contained. You can sit us in chairs and ply us with free beer, but we shall never stray! Let my Dogs run FREE!!!
Bubba, Forgot to mention, those from our group that have travelled with you (including Bird Dog a few years ago just after her surgery), have had nothing but praise. Take no offense that some of us still use the truck. We don't come in out of the rain, also.
I totally understand and never take offense. Everyone is welcomed to stop by the PAMPERED Zone for some laughs. As you stated, even the dogs come home from time to time.