Many Thanks To CNC and All
This was my first, but definitely not my last, CNC ride. Every day was filled with beautiful memories and wonderful folks. I will try to list some of the more memorable people that helped me make it all the way across NC so I can thank them, wish them well, and hope they make my acquaintance again (perhaps...
Kevin Cochran
Dec 15, 2006
by Cycledawg
Maps of 2006 route.
I recorded the entire route with my GPS and converted it to GOOGLE-MAPS... I will add more details (rest stops and such) after I get over being sick (got sick when I was driving back on Sunday and not sure how execept I started feeling bad after eatin at Subway (on the road)
Here are the links to each da...
John Preston
Nov 19, 2006
by John Preston
The Pain Train!!!
To: Tennessee Bill, Massachusetts Mike, Capt. Roy, Mike “Froggy” Ribit, Kathy “Lady Froggy” Ribit, “Ice cream” Irv, Sag Man, Hammer Girl, Gary “The Michigan Hammer,” “Air Force” Ed, Jack Attack, Joanna, Pink Bike Edie, Nick, Big John, Mr. and Mrs. Horsing Around, and, especially Ra...
Nov 17, 2006
by Tenneessee Bill
Anyone willing to share maps?
I'd love to have a look at any of the routes that have been used in the past. Does anyone have a copy they would be willing to share. If you wanted them back I would return them to you.
Nov 17, 2006
by CrystalAnn
Power plant at Foster Falls on the New River Trail
Does any one know what the statis is on the power plant that Duke Power wants to build near Foster Falls/ Austinville, Virginia. I had a web site booked marked but it is no longer available. What's up ? From what I had read in the past they wanted to build two huge gas turbine generators and us...
Whistle Dog
Nov 13, 2006
by Whistle Dog
10th year
I just completed the CNC survey and the idea about the 2week ride on the 10th year sounds fantastic. I had heard this back at the Spring Ride and I can't wait. My little one will be 6 by then and should be ready to follow in the Laws girls footsteps and get on the tandem. I hope the 2week ride w...
Erik with a K must be celebrating
One of my many fond memories of our fantastic week together biking across North Carolina was talking sports with Erik and seeing him proudly wearing his St. Louis Cards hat. This Yankee fan tips his cap to Erik and the Cards for a fine series.
I'm the guy in the Team Ireland Jersey that you threw the f...
Steve Rolston
Oct 27, 2006
by Steve Rolston
Lets Take The High Road
Hi all,
I, as many of you, read and at time post this message board. Actually with the exception of BRAG, it is the most active ride message board I know of. Ususally some interesting topics and at times, some darn funny postings.
It does concern me however when a topic turns int...
More 2006 CNC pix
I took a memory card full of photos of Cycle North Carolina 2006. I have posted some of them at http://blueridgebiking.tripod.com/id71.htm
Roland, Team Laws, Flimsy Da Clown, Santa's Little Helpers and more! Check it out!
Tim Murphy
Oct 23, 2006
by BavarianBiker
CNC 2006: the good and the bad
First, foremost, and alwaYs:
GREAT JOB BY CNC STAFF, REI, VOLUNTEERS, and HOST TOWNS! Thank you thank you thank you!
the good:
1. Route, esp the Todd route along the New River. Sweet!
2. 95% plus on the logistics of moving 1000 folks with CNC low paid staff
3. Bill K's treatment of gym c...
Great tour, great time
Arrived back in Lansing the other night to freezing temps & blowing snow. What a contrast. Blast of reality after cranking down the roads & walking the beach at Emerald Isle.
I will add my heartfelt thanks to CNC staff & volunteers for a wonderful tour. Could hardly have been better. Many wonderful m...
Bill Dickerson
So, Bill How did it go?
Bill wrote:
First Ride and Excited
Looking forward to the 30th of the month. Say all you New Bern NC riders. Would like to
meet up with someone to hang out with and ride with during the week. Also make new
friends. This is a GREAT! sport and I'm having a blast....
Down Hiller
Oct 17, 2006
by Down Hiller
news papper Thomasville Rest stop
uncle Lynn
Oct 14, 2006
by uncle Lynn
CNC 2006 (Day 6) Rider Down - Kenneth Wallace
Hey Gang I hope you will all join me in extending well wishes and a rapid recovery to Kenneth Wallace from Oriental, NC. Kenneth went down Day 6 on the roads of Wayne County as we road from Smithfield into Kinston. Unfortunately his accident occurred as a consequence of touching wheels while riding in a...
Vernon Allen
Oct 13, 2006
by Justin McVey
big thanks
CNC did a fabulous job organizing and maintaining 1000 riders for a week. Many thanks. My first ride and it was an awesome experience.